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Misunderstandings in the use of fan wet curtains and area calculation

點擊次數(shù):   更新時間:21/06/15 16:37:06     來源:xuk2l3i.cn關(guān)閉分    享:
In summer, the use of fan wet curtains to cool down has become the norm. Let me share with you in detail the misunderstandings and area calculation methods of fan wet curtains.
The misunderstanding of the use of the fan wet curtain is as follows:
The fan wet curtain mainly uses water to evaporate into water vapor, absorbs a lot of heat to cool down, and relies on the cooling water circulating above to cool down, which can only account for a small part. What determines the cooling effect of the fan wet pad is not the temperature of the circulating water, but whether there is a sufficient fan wet pad area and wind speed. Of course, I personally think that under the same premise, the lower the water temperature, the better.
If the air humidity in the chicken house is too high, the moisture will not be easily evaporated, and the cooling effect of the fan wet curtain will be greatly reduced.
Regarding the calculation of the wet curtain area of each chicken house fan, there are generally two schemes for reference.
1. Calculated according to the air volume conversion rate of the fan wet curtain.
Everyone just needs to remember that the air volume conversion rate of the 15CM thick fan wet curtain is: 120 ventilation volume/min·square meter.
The rule: the total area of the wet curtain of the fan of the chicken house = the upper limit of the ventilation volume per minute of the chicken house ÷ the conversion rate.
2. Calculate according to the wind speed through the curtain.
Everyone just needs to remember that when the upper limit ventilation is turned on, that is, when the fan at the end of the house is fully turned on, the wind speed of the wet curtain of a good fan should be 2 m/s.
The rule: the total area of the fan wet curtain of the chicken coop = the total exhaust air volume per second of the chicken coop ÷ the wind speed through the curtain.
In fact, the two are connected, and the air volume conversion rate of the fan wet curtain is converted according to the ideal wind speed of 2 m/s. In actual installation and use, the required available fan wet curtain area is generally slightly larger (1-1.25 times) than the theoretical calculation, which can be controlled by yourself.

